September Edition 2019

What is the biggest challenge? Michal: As enjoyable as this is, juggling this means you need to be agile, a great listener so that you hear all views and factors before making a decision, and you have stand up for your principles too. The diversity of the role means also that you need to pick your battles, should they arise. Also, as we are Chinese-owned, I am GC in China too. As I understand it, I am the only female non-Chinese citizen holding such a role in a public company in China, and have such positions in both Israel and China. There are different reporting systems and protocols I have had to learn, especially with regards to corporate governance. This is a really unique situation, but as a result, I have developed an expertise in and understanding of Chinese corporate law. What types of work do you outsource? What do you look for and value mostly from outside legal counsel? Michal: I try do most of the work here, in-house, but when we are dealing with global M&A transactions, we need to use local external counsel in different jurisdictions, and aside from large M&A transactions, we would use external counsel to help with due diligence, where you don’t always have the resources for that, as well as corporate governance or getting a second opinion. When there is a specialist area of law that we need advice, such as labor and employment or environmental, we would also use an external team of lawyers. I was able to create many connections during the 12 years of my tenure and I would hire external lawyers based on past experience or recommendations from colleagues. How would you describe the economic or regulatory challenges facing your sector? Michal: Generally, there has been a wave of mergers and consolidation in the agchem sector in recent years that we are very much aware and part of. Working in crop protection, our industry is naturally affected by climate and the environment, which, as you know, has been on the news almost daily in recent years. China is very important in our industry and, for ourselves, most of our products are priced in China. As a public company operating globally, we are also very much affected by regulatory decisions. When you are not involved in major transactions, what do you do for fun? Michal: I am married with three kids and spend a lot of time with my family, socializing, exercising and I read a lot. I have a real fondness for Israeli, Brazilian and Argentinian authors! 29 28 If you are an International Law Firm with an Israel focus, Israel Desks is your first destination Inform Israeli law firms about your events, clients updates and firm news Join Israel Desks group on LinkedIn to expand your network Israel Desks .com LEGAL MARKETING SETTING THE BENCHMARK by WWW.LEGALMARKETING.CO.IL NISHLIS@LEGALMARKETING.CO.IL TEL: + 972-72-338-7595 FOLLOW US: