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such a provider has reached amarket share exceeding 20%of such revenues, or either

held its 10%market share during a three years period, additional regulation shall then


• Applying a "must sell" obligation with respect to various sports content;

• Applying general content regulation guidelines in lieu of a personalized one.

It seems as such, to the extent the Filber Committee report will be adopted by the Israeli

Ministry of Communication (“MoC”), that the Committee’s recommendations present a

singular opportunity for new players, looking to enter the Israeli audio-visual market as

small content providers, and benefit from a “narrow regulation” regime. This is also an

opportunity for concurrent telecommunications players, who are expected to benefit

from coherent guidelines and a reduced regulation regime.

Legislative Proceedings Regarding the Amendment to the Israeli Wireless Telegraph


Another meaningful initiative making waves nowadays is the legislative proceedings

regarding the amendment to the Wireless Telegraph Ordinance [New Version], 1972

("Wireless Telegraph Ordinance"). This Ordinance regulates, inter alia, the installation

and operation of communication, by means of apparatus, for the transmission or

reception of information or other communications by electric signals; consequently, the

Ordinance portrays a major part in the regulation of radio and television broadcasting,

wireless and cellular technology and satellite navigation systems, among others.

As part of the aforementioned possible amendment, the MoC intends to adapt the

Wireless Telegraph Ordinance to "modern" standards in several issues, including


administrative provisions for the enforcement of the said Ordinance, which are intended

to serve as moderate measures, alongside the criminal measures currently included

in the Ordinance. Hence, this amendment is also expected to affect new companies

looking to enter the field.

Legislation of New Reporting Regulations

The MoC has recently announced the legislative proceedings of the Communication

Regulations (Telecommunication and Broadcasting) (Reporting Obligations of

Telecommunications operator), 5776-2016, which have been generated to gather,

standardize and assemble, under a single framework, the reporting obligations

concurrently applicable to Israeli telecommunications operators. As outlined in the

regulations, these were drafted in accordance with a bureaucracy relief process being

promoted today by the MoC.

NewOpportunities and Innovation in the Telecommunications Sphere

The Establishment of a Nationwide Optic Fiber Network

In August 2013, the MoC granted Israel Broadband Company (2013) Ltd. ("IBC") - a

joint venture between the Israel Electric Corporation and a consortium group led by

Sweden’s ViaEurop - a general license for the establishment of a nationwide optic fiber

This Ordinance regulates,

inter alia, the

installation and operation of

communication, by means of apparatus, for the transmission or reception of

information or other communications by electric signals.